Make an Appointment
To preserve confidentiality, appointments cannot be made online. Please call or come by our office to make a Counseling appointment.
Walk-ins (no appointment necessary) are available on the Dahlonega and Gainesville Campuses Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
The purpose of counseling is to help you to help yourself. If you sense that you are "stuck", confused, afraid, anxious, depressed or have some such similar feelings or state of mind, you probably could use the help of a professional who is trained to assist you in just such situations.
To have such periods is perfectly normal and to seek help is a sign of wisdom not weakness.
Campus | Phone | Location |
Blue Ridge & Dahlonega |
706-867-4402 ext. 1 |
Suite 246 238 Georgia Circle Dahlonega, GA 30597 |
Gainesville | 706-867-4402 ext. 2 |
Room 115 3820 Mundy Mill Road Oakwood, GA 30566 P.O. Box 1358 Gainesville, GA 30503 |
Oconee | 706-867-4402 ext. 3 |
Room 110 1201 Bishop Farms Pkwy. P.O. Box 1748 Watkinsville, GA 30677 |
Cumming | 706-867-4402 ext. 4 |
Room 238 Cumming, GA 30040 |
24/7 星空无限传媒 Mental Health Support
Uwill offers students free immediate access to teletherapy, a direct crisis connection, and wellness programming through its easy to use online platform
To schedule teletherapy:
- with Uwill
- Choose a therapist based on your preferences including availability, issue, sex, language, ethnicity.
- Choose a time that fits your schedule with day, night and weekend availability.
- Uwill is Private. Secure. Confidential.
If a student is experiencing a mental health crisis, help is available 24/7/365
- Call 833-646-1526
- For life threatening emergencies on campus, call Public Safety at 706-864-1500.
- For life threatening emergencies off campus, call 911
- Other crisis hotline numbers
Uwill also provides students free access to on-demand wellness programming through its easy to use online platform. Relax and recharge your mind and body with a wide range of wellness such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and more!
About Appointments
星空无限传媒 offers brief therapy that is up to 50 minutes per session. Therapy is to help you. When you think you no longer need help, discuss termination with your therapist. In the initial session, the counselor will give a professional opinion regarding possible treatment options. You and the therapist will work together to determine what kind of therapy commitment you would like to make.
Only the therapist and you will know what is said in a session. The only way this information will be shared with anyone is with your written permission to do so. The only exceptions to confidentiality are:
- if it is necessary to protect you or another from imminent harm;
- if there is direct knowledge of abuse of a child, a disabled person, or a senior/elder;
- or a court order issued by a court of law.
Scope of Practice and Confidentiality
Learn more about BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students).
Professionals are trained to help people with quite substantial problems. However, should it appear that you need medication or even hospitalization, you and the therapist would work out a reasonable plan to do this, appropriate to you and your situation. If you were clearly on the verge of harming yourself or someone else, then immediate care would be given.
The Dahlonega, Gainesville, Oconee, and Cumming campuses provide referrals to students who experience problems with their use of alcohol and other drugs (including prescription drugs, nicotine, caffeine, and others).
Counselors can also help provide referrals to students who are struggling with other compulsive or addictive behaviors or substances (including pornography and eating disorders).
Common Counseling Topics
- Depression
- Adjusting to college
- Disordered Eating (bingeing, purging, restricting)
- Sexual Orientation & Gender Issues
- Cultural & Ethnic identity and acculturation
- Anger Management
- Military and Deployment issues
- Relationship issues, conflict, loss
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Rape/Sexual Assault
- Anxiety
- Grief, Loss, Separation
- Academic confusion & indecision
- Crises, Assessments, Referrals
- Self-empowerment
- Trauma
- Roommate issues
Meet Your Counselors

Joy Pruitt, LPCProfile page
Senior Staff Therapist
Staff Therapist LPC
Office locationStewart Success Center, 246,