Contact the Social Foundations & Leadership Education Department
Main Contact Information
Campus | Location | Phone | Fax |
Dahlonega |
133 | 706-864-1533 | 706-867-2880 |
Department Head and Admin

Kelly McFaden, Ph.D.Profile page
Interim Assistant Dean/Department Head
Office locationNewton Oakes Center, 132,
Area(s) of Expertise: Social Justice, Comparative and International Education, Social Studies Education


James Badger, Ph.D.Profile page
Professor, College of Education
Office locationNewton Oakes Center, 113,

Area(s) of Expertise: Policy & Politics of Education, Social Foundations of Education, Culture, Language & Leadership

Area(s) of Expertise: Critical Pedagogy, Autoethnography, Video Gaming

Area(s) of Expertise: Ethnography, Globalization, Higher Education, Institutional Innovation, Life History, Relational Sociology, Research Methods, Social and Cultural Theory, Writing

Area(s) of Expertise: Race/Ethnicity, Quantitative Methods, Survey Methodology

Janet MarlingProfile page
Executive Director, NISTS and Associate Professor, College of Education
Office locationPost Office Square, Room 136,

Linda Reece, Ph.D.Profile page
Coordinator, ESOL Endorsement Program
Office locationOakwood Building, 121,

James Zoll, Ph.D.Profile page
Associate Professor
Tier 2 Coordinator
Office locationNewton Oakes Center, 120,
Area(s) of Expertise: Educational Leadership, Teacher Evaluation, Principal Effectiveness, Professional Learning Communities