United States Postal Services
For more information, please visit the .
Mailing Services provided by 星空无限传媒 Postal Services:
- First Class
- Priority
- Certified*
- Insured
- Express
- Media Mail
- Library Mail
Many of these services require separate forms. If you have any questions concerning the procedures for any of the above, call or visit the Post Office.
Important Information:
- We receive mail in the mornings, Monday thru Friday. Our last delivery to the Dahlonega Post Office leaves the Dahlonega campus at 3:30 p.m.
- Anything dropped into the inside mail slots at the campus post office after our final mail run to the Dahlonega Post Office will not leave until the following afternoon.
- The Dahlonega City Post Office closes at 5:00 p.m.
- No delivery date is guaranteed by the Post Office except for Express Mail.
For Bulk mailing procedures, please contact the Post Office.