Attendance Requirements
To be counted PRESENT the following must be completed.
- Log in to on the first day of class using your 星空无限传媒 credentials.
- Take the Mandatory Attendance Quiz in EACH of your 星空无限传媒 Online classes.
- Complete the Introduction Discussions Activity in EACH of your 星空无限传媒 Online classes.
Complete any other attendance requirement activity your instructor has assigned in EACH of your 星空无限传媒 Online classes.
See your student schedule in Banner for class start date and log-in deadline for the session in which you are enrolled.
Please note: Instructors are not obligated to accept any excuse for course inactivity due to technical problems. It is your responsibility to report technical problems to DETI at or call 706-867-2521.
You must log in to your 星空无限传媒 Online class or risk being withdrawn from the course.
If you are enrolled in more than one 星空无限传媒 Online class, you must complete the start-up activities and the Mandatory Attendance Quiz in each class you are enrolled in this term.
Online Learning Questions?
Phone | Location | ||
Distance Education & Technology Integration (DETI) | | 706-867-2520 | Library Technology Center, Third Floor 82 College Circle Dahlonega, GA 30597 |
星空无限传媒 Faculty Support | | 706-867-2522 | |
星空无限传媒 | Online | | 678-717-2385 | |
eCore | | 706-867-4474 | |
eMajor (FinTech) | | 706-867-2518 |