Learning Support Courses
Math Courses
A course designed to allow students to simultaneously satisfy their LS requirements and take MATH 1001, a Core IMPACTS Mathematics聽course. This course is designed to support a student taking MATH 1001 with just in time assistance. Topics will parallel topics being studied in MATH 1001 as well as the essential quantitative skills needed to be successful in MATH 1001. The course will include non-cognitive aspects to promote a productive academic mindset as well as study strategies that result in academic success.
Corequisite: MATH 1001
A course designed to allow students to simultaneously satisfy their LS requirement and take MATH 1101, a Core IMPACTS Mathematics course. The course will cover the Beginning or Intermediate Algebra topics needed for the student to be successful in Mathematical Models. Emphasis is on the use of elementary functions to investigate and analyze applied problems and questions, supported by the use of appropriate technology and on effective communication of quantitative concepts and results. The course allows the instructor to assist the students with any deficiencies they may have while attempting the Mathematical Models topics. The material covered in MATH 0998 is meant to provide background information or just-in-time remediation of the topics covered in MATH 1101. The course will include non-cognitive aspects to promote a productive academic mindset as well as study strategies that result in academic success.
Corequisite: MATH 1101
A course designed to allow students to simultaneously satisfy the LS requirement and take MATH 1111, a Core IMPACTS Mathematics course. The course will cover the Beginning or Intermediate Algebra topics needed for the student to be successful in College Algebra. The course allows the instructor to assist the students with any deficiencies they may have while attempting the College Algebra topics. The material covered in MATH 0999 is meant to provide background information or just-in-time remediation of the topics covered in MATH 1111. Topics to be covered include: polynomial, rational, and radical expressions and equations, quadratic functions and their graphs, and systems of equations.
Prerequisite: Accuplacer Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics score of 258 or higher; any Core IMPACTS Mathematics聽course with a grade of C or higher, old SAT Math score of 440 or higher, new SAT Math Section score of 480 or higher, ACT Math score of 17 or higher, MPI of 1175 or higher; or, beginning spring 2024, a HSGPA of 3.1 or higherCorequisite: MATH 1111
English Courses
This is a 1 credit hour, 1 contact hour, just-in-time remediation course which will have, as its corequisite, English 1101, thus fulfilling national-, state-, and System-wide mandates.聽The course will meet for one hour, once a week, for 16 weeks in addition to the class meeting of the corequisite English 1101 course in which the student is enrolled.聽The course has a required computer-based Adaptive Learning Software component that must be completed on the student's own time outside of the classroom.聽This class is taken along with English 1101 as a corequisite and may be facilitated by the same professor, although the course is malleable to different methods of delivery as deemed necessary by the department.
Corequisite:聽 ENGL 1101
Learning Support Levels
Students who place into any Foundations-level LS must pass with a grade of C or higher, and will then progress to the Co-Requisite LS coursework. The University System of Georgia defines an attempt in foundations Learning Support as any semester in which a student earns any grade other than A, B, C, W or WM. 星空无限传媒 does not offer any Foundation level LS online.
Co-Requisite LS is comprised of a one-semester combination of a support class plus Gateway (college-level) coursework. Upon completion of Co-Requisite LS requirements, the student will have satisfied both LS and Gateway credit. E.g., a student who is enrolled in MATH 0997, Support for Quantitative Skills + MATH 1001, Quantitative Skills, and completes all course requirements will have satisfied LS math as well as earned Area A math credit. 星空无限传媒 Co-Requisite LS online.
Online Classes
As long as they have satisfied the course pre-requisites, students with Learning Support Requirements may take online classes via 星空无限传媒 Online or eCore*.
*NOTE: There are specific steps to register for eCore classes.