Section 1: College Council
The dean of the college will chair the college council. Members shall be college-level directors and coordinators and department-level chairs/heads. The college council shall appoint sub-committees for specific responsibilities as appropriate. The Council will regularly advise the Dean on standards of excellence in teaching, scholarship and service for promotion and tenure.
Section 2: Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee shall consist of one faculty member from each department, the Director of Academic Services and the Coordinator of IPE. The term of service for committee members will be two years. The term of service for committee members shall be staggered.
The Curriculum Committee shall:
- Establish and disseminate a schedule of deadlines for submission of curriculum materials by academic units to allow materials to be reviewed in a timely manner by the University Senate and the appropriate administrators each year.
- Review proposed courses and course revisions and make recommendations to the Dean.
- Review new program proposals, program revisions, and program deactivations and make recommendations to the Dean.
- Serve as a resource/advisory body for curricular matters related to programs.
- Review academic policies that relate to programs across the College and make recommendations to the Dean.
Section 3: Promotion & Tenure Committee
Promotion and Tenure Committee: The College Promotion and Tenure Committee (CPTC) review the promotion, tenure and post-tenure documentation from all the candidates in the college in accordance with the guidelines of the University of North Georgia for promotion and tenure.
Committee Duties and Responsibilities
Members of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee (CPTC), considering each department’s expectation for promotion and tenure, shall review the faculty member’s documentation, the department head/coordinator’s recommendation, and the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee (DPTRC) review letter and provide a review letter with positive or negative recommendations for each candidate. The CPTC will forward the review letter along with a separate numerical tabulation of committee votes to the University-Wide Promotion and Tenure Committee (UWPTC). This committee also will act in the same capacity for reviewing pre-tenure and post-tenure candidate portfolios.
Members of the CPTC
At the beginning of each academic year, the deans will appoint representatives from the associate and full professors from all departments or equivalent academic units and from all the university campuses to serve on the CPTC. Appointees must represent all of the university campuses where there is more than one tenured faculty member at the rank of associate or full professor primarily assigned to that campus by the college.
Members of the CPTC will serve for two years and the terms will be staggered so that there are some returning members each year. The CPTC members will select the chair. If possible, the CPTC members should not serve on the university-wide Promotion and Tenure Committee.
When the CPTC is appointed they should meet to elect a chair and then meet as needed to complete review of all submitted documents according the deadline set by the 星空无限传媒.
Section 4: Interprofessional Education & Community Engagement Committee
This committee is headed by the CHSP Coordinator of Interprofessional Education & Community Engagement. The committee will be comprised of faculty and staff members from the College and will have a minimum representation of at least one faculty and/or staff member from each discipline within the College. In addition, the Simulation Facilitator will be a standing member of this committee. Committee members will serve a two-year term once appointed to the committee.
Section 5: Awards Committee
The Awards Committee shall consist of two (2) staff members and two (2) faculty members. All members will be chosen from the academic units of the College and will serve two-year terms. Half of the staff members and half of the faculty members will be replaced every year. The Director of Academic Services for the College of Health Sciences & Professions shall serve as an ex-officio member, but will have voting privileges in case of a tie vote.
The Awards Committee shall:
- Develop and review the faculty and staff award recognition categories and criteria.
- Initiate the call for award nominations.
- Review submissions for: - Faculty awards - Staff awards - Outstanding CHSP student awards
- Plan an awards ceremony with input from the Dean’s office.
- Survey faculty, staff, and students after the ceremony to solicit feedback and suggestions for improvement.
- Additionally, the committee will serve as a central repository for department developed information regarding student awards criteria.
Section 6: Appeals Committee
Grade appeals will follow guidelines as outlined by the student’s academic department and university’s undergraduate and graduate bulletins.
Section 7: Scholarship Committee
The scholarship committee facilitates communication about scholarly activities among college faculty, and encourages such activities by providing new scholars with mentoring and information on funding sources for scholarship related to the college’s disciplines. The committee also may disseminate information to faculty about college scholarship projects and activities completed and in progress. The dean appoints members of the committee annually. It is chaired by the College’s Director of Research and is comprised of faculty from each department who are currently engaged in scholarship. The scholarship committee shall consist of one faculty member from each department.
Ad Hoc Committees
The dean may appoint special committees for specific purposes for a limited period of time.