
Study Abroad

Start Your Internship in the States and Finish It In...

Top Five Reasons to Study Abroad

  • 1. Personal Growth
  • 2. Teacher Development
  • 3. Boost Resume
  • 4. Become Hire-able
  • 5. Affordability

Ask anyone who has ever done a study abroad, and they’ll tell you it was a life-changing experience they wouldn't trade for the world. What’s more, there’s some research to back that up. According to a German study on personality development, students who studied abroad showed improvements in openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability compared to their peers who did not study abroad.

What better place to learn how to be a great teacher than from the greatest schools in the world? All of our current programs rank above the US on international performance indicators for math, reading, and science with China and Germany being our top two options. Also, all programs are compatible with edTPA completion.

With growing diversity in the classrooms, principals are looking for candidates with open minds and global experiences to back them up. Please note: There are no foreign language skill requirements for ANY of the program options.

Let’s face facts: it’s a tough job market out there. Having a study abroad on your resume (for any major) can help you stand out and land that first job or admission into graduate school. 

With payment plans, financial aid, scholarships, and a variety of other options, studying abroad is more affordable that you might think. We also have a variety of lower-cost options.

Contact Us for More Information

Country Director Email
England Winnifred Namatovu winnifred.namatovu@ung.edu
Germany Katsumi Takeno katsumi.takeno@ung.edu
New Zealand Kelly McFaden kelly.mcfaden@ung.edu