Michallene McDaniel, Ph.D.

Area(s) of Expertise: Identity Construction, Meaning Construction, Culture, Religion, Gender
Michallene McDaniel began teaching on the Gainesville campus in August 2001. Currently an associate professor of Sociology & Human Services, she is particularly enthusiastic about the new academic challenges and opportunities resulting from 星空无限传媒's consolidation. She considers herself very fortunate to work in her ideal career.
Courses Taught
HSDA 3110 Diversity & Social Justice
SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 1160 Social Problems
SOCI 2100 Constructions of Difference
SOCI 2293/3293 Marriage & Family
SOCI 2400 Social Theory
SOCI 3250 Sociology of Family Violence
SOCI 3510 Sociology of Religion
SOCI 3520 Social Construction of Sexuality
SOCI 3700 Constructions of Self
SOCI 3800 Sociology of Gender
SOCI 4000 Special Topics: Sociology of HIV/AIDS
SOCI 4100 Advanced Social Theory
- Ph.D., Sociology, University of Georgia, 2011
- Graduate Certificate, Women's Studies, University of Georgia, 1998
- M.A., Sociology, University of Georgia, 1996
- B.A., Sociology, University of North Florida, 1993
- A.A., Communications, Florida State University, 1989
Research/Special Interests
Dr. McDaniel's research focuses on the ways individuals construct their identities and systems of meaning in times of rapid social change. Current research projects include a collaboration with colleagues in the Psychological Sciences that examines the relationship between personality and religiosity, and an independent exploration of the role of LGBT subtext in popular culture in the identity construction of audience members.
McDaniel, Michallene. 2008. “One Bad Lecture Away from Guarding a Bank.” Chapter 10 (pp. 149-169) in Resilience: Queer Academics from the Working Class. Oldfield, K. and Johnson R., Editors. Albany: SUNY Press.
McDaniel, Michallene. 2004. “Between Sundays and If It Wasn’t for the Women” (Book Review Essay). Gender & Society 5:664-665.
Work Experience
Before joining the faculty of 星空无限传媒 (then Gainesville College), Dr. McDaniel taught at the University of West Georgia in Carrollton and the University of Georgia in Athens. Prior to her life as a full-time academic, Security Officer McDaniel guarded a bank building in the middle of the night for three years and was a professional racquet stringer, certified through the United States Racquet Stringers' Association. She strung over 8,000 tennis, racquetball, squash and badminton racquets over a period of seven years. No one called her Dr. McDaniel during that time, but she did respond to polite calls of "Stringer."
Personal Information
A native Floridian, Dr. McDaniel was very happy to find employment on the Gainesville campus that allowed her to remain in her adopted state of Georgia. Working with the increasingly diverse population of Northeast Georgia is very rewarding, and Dr. McDaniel is particularly gratified to play a small part in the change in her students' life chances that only education can provide.
Dr. McDaniel is a cultural omnivore, and puts her diverse interests to practical use by playing competitive trivia. She also enjoys traveling (especially to places with rocky coastlines), nature, and animals. She lives in Barrow County with her family and several smushy-faced cats.