Great Decisions Series Returned For The Spring 2024 Semester

Great Decisions is America's largest discussion on world affairs. PSIA and the once again collaborated for the Spring 2024 semester.
星空无限传媒 has provided presentations for the Great Decisions lecture series for over a decade, providing a public forum for the discussion of current foreign policy issues facing the United States. The first Great Decisions group was organized in 1954 around informal presentations and conversation. Since then, The has produced the Great Decisions series annually. The meetings are meant to be flexible educational experiences that are accessible through schools, libraries, community centers, and faith-based organizations across the nation.
This year’s Great Decisions series presented information and held discussions on a range of fascinating and timely geopolitical topics. Topics are selected based on their current importance to international affairs including political, economic, and diplomatic issues.
Working together with the Forsyth County Public Library provides our faculty members and our department a great opportunity to connect with the citizens of northern Georgia.