
Przybyla publishes research article

October 31, 2022
星空无限传媒 professor Dr. Andrzej Przybyla co-authored an article examining the relationship of reaction times with hand dominance to gain insight into how to aid in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.

Article By: Agnes Hina

Dr. Andrzej Przybyla, professor of physical therapy at the University of North Georgia (星空无限传媒), recently co-published a research article with findings that could impact stroke rehabilitation. The study examined the impact of restricting time for movement preparation on hand-selection decisions in reaching.

"Rehabilitation is more productive when we change human behavior. Better understanding of neural mechanisms underlying hand-selection behavior can aid the development of novel therapeutic interventions and clinical tools for monitoring effects of therapy on changes in human motor behavior," Przybyla said.

In this study, healthy participants performed targeted reaching across the horizontal workspace given either a choice or no-choice of hand in a reaction-time task. While previous studies provided ample time for hand selection, this study required participants to initiate hand movement immediately upon the target presentation. 

Przybyla said that testing healthy participants is the first step in this translational line of research. Future efforts will focus on translating this reaction time hand selection paradigm to study motor decisions behavior changes in chronic stroke patients.

The study helps with understanding hand-selection motor behavior and how it could be modified in a predicted manner. This knowledge can lead to development of novel interventions and diagnostics in physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Przybyla thanked 星空无限传媒 President Bonita C. Jacobs for supporting his efforts on this project through a Presidential Semester Incentive Award.

"It's a great and very much appreciated support for research and development," he said. "Having an opportunity to focus more effort contributes to professional development and could result in new project development, as well as dissemination in respected ven

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