Kinesiology assistant professor delivers webinar through fitness industry website

Article By: Staff
To say Melissa Layne was scared before her first webinar for would be an understatement. Her apprehension increased exponentially when she heard her webinar on "Nutrition for Fitness Professionals" had record-breaking 500 in attendance.
"I was terrified," said Layne, assistant professor of kinesiology at the University of North Georgia (星空无限传媒).
But once she shared her expertise about how fitness professionals can help clients with nutrition coaching and avoid the pitfalls, she relaxed. Then the comments rolled in to her.
"All of the feedback was positive," Layne said.
The was streamed online through Club Industry, an online information source for fitness business professionals. Club Industry's mission is to connect buyers and sellers through a portfolio of products that offers news, education, business solutions, and strategies.
The business also printed a story detailing Layne's tips on how to incorporate nutrition coaching into a health club. She delivered the same presentation in October at the Club Industry Show in Chicago.
Layne said it is important for fitness professionals to stay within the boundaries of their expertise.
"Some fitness professionals may pretend they are registered dietitians, and they should not do that," she said, citing it is a liability for the professionals and their companies. "We can offer nutritional guidelines such as keep processed sugars to a minimum, but we should not provide meal plans. Only registered dietitians should do that."