
星空无限传媒 nursing alumni publish research on smoking electronic cigarettes

March 30, 2017
Electronic cigarettes are not a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, according to a recent article published by 星空无限传媒 alumnae in ADVANCE for Nurses.

Article By: Staff

In a recently published online article, "Safety of Electronic Cigarettes," registered nurses and alumni from the University of North Georgia (星空无限传媒), Laura Bruton, Sara Coker and Iliana Vermillion explain how this method of consuming nicotine is not a better alternative to traditional cigarettes.

Since 1985, the e-magazine, ADVANCE for Nurses, has provided efficient and practical information on all areas of nursing as well as professional development topics and up to date job listings. It is produced monthly with 12 issues per volume per year.

Electronic cigarettes are seen and sold as a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes and quitting the habit altogether. Their use has become increasingly common, but through the review of almost 20 research outlets, Bruton, Coker and Vermillion were able to conclude that the use of electronic cigarettes has as many if not more health risks in comparison to smoking traditional cigarettes, as well as their own individualized problems.

Bruton and Coker are Family Nurse Practitioners at the Harbin Clinic in Cartersville, Georgia.

Vermillion is a Nurse Practitioner for Health Services at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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