Josh Cuevas, Ph.D.

Area(s) of Expertise: Applied Cognition, Assessment, Educational Measurement, Evidence-Based Reasoning, Language and Literacy, Memory, Quantitative Methodology
Courses Taught
EDUC 6402, Educational Research Methodology (星空无限传媒), master’s level course in research methodology, design, and statistics
MGED 6001, Middle-Level Practices and Curricular Issues in Contemporary Schools (星空无限传媒), master’s level capstone research course
EDUC 6001, Educational Research (University of North Georgia), master’s level course in research methodology, design, and statistics
EDUC 6101, Advanced Assessment (University of North Georgia), master’s level course in educational measurement
SCED 4002/EDUC 3002, Educational Assessment (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in assessment
SCED 4005, Internship (University of North Georgia), undergraduate field experience supervision course
MGED 4020, Instructional Strategies & Monitoring (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in educational psychology
MGED 4015, Internship 3, Decision Making (University of North Georgia), undergraduate field experience supervision course
MGED 3540, Applied Data Analysis (University of North Georgia), undergraduate field supervision and data analysis course
EDUC 2130, Exploring Teaching and Learning (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in educational psychology
LART 3040, Teaching Reading/Writing in Middle/Secondary Schools (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in k-12 reading
LART 3106, Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in k-12 reading
READ 4100/LART 3007, Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities (星空无限传媒), undergraduate reading endorsement course
LART 3060, Teaching Language Arts at the Middle School Level (University of North Georgia), undergraduate course in education
MGMS 7200, Conceptualizing Middle Level Learning & Diversity in Content (星空无限传媒), master’s level course in middle grades education
EPY 7090, The Psychology of Learning (Georgia State University) master’s level course in early childhood education/educational psychology
EPY 2050, Human Growth and Development (Georgia State University) undergraduate course in educational psychology
- Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Georgia State University, 2010
- M.A.T., English Language Arts Education, Piedmont College, 2005
- B.A., Literature, University of Georgia, 1994
Cuevas, J. A., & Dawson, B. L. (In Press). A test of two alternative cognitive processing models: Learning styles and dual coding. Theory and Research in Education
Cuevas, J. A., & Russell, L. R. (2017). An exploration of the use of technology to address academic language learning in teacher education in preparation for the edTPA. .
Cuevas, J. A. (2017). Visual and auditory learning: Differentiating instruction via sensory modality and its effects on memory. In Student Achievement: Perspectives, Assessment and Improvement Strategies. New York: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-1536102055
Cuevas, J. A. (2016). An analysis of current evidence supporting two alternate learning models: Learning styles and dual coding. Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology, 6(1). 1-13.
Cuevas, J. A. (2015). Is learning styles-based instruction effective? A comprehensive analysis of recent research on learning styles.
Cuevas, J. A. (2015). Hispanic acculturation in the U.S.: Examining the relationship between Americans’ ethnocentricity and education. . ISSN 1740-2743.
Russell, L. R. & Cuevas, J. A. (2014). Designing customizable reading modules for a high school literature classroom. .
Cuevas, J. A., Irving, M. A. & Russell, L. R. (2014). Applied cognition: Testing the effects of independent silent reading on secondary students' achievement and attribution. Reading Psychology. 35(2). 127-59. doi: 10.1080/02702711.2012.675419.
Cuevas, J. A. (2013). A reflection on belief. .
Cuevas, J. A., Russell, L. R., & Irving, M. A. (2012). An examination of the effect of customized reading modules on diverse secondary students’ reading comprehension and motivation. .
Cuevas, J. A. (2012). Improving secondary students’ reading comprehension through the use of advance organizers. .
Cuevas, J. A. (2010). Applied cognition in reading: An analysis of reading comprehension in secondary students. . Paper 70.
Cuevas, J. A. (2008). The psychological processes and consequences of fundamentalist indoctrination. Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism. 16(2). 57-70.
Graduate Students’ Publications
Liming, M., & Cuevas, J. A. (2017). An examination of the testing and spacing effects in a middle grades social studies classroom. .
Miller, H. B. & Cuevas, J. A. (2017). Mobile learning and its effects on academic achievement and student motivation in middle grades students. International Journal for Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning, (1)2, 91-110.
Liming, B., & Cuevas, J. A. (2017). Implicit theories of intelligence: Outcomes on academic achievement, self-efficacy, and effort in science education. In Student Achievement: Perspectives, Assessment and Improvement Strategies. New York: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-1536102055
Neal, B. & Cuevas, J. A. (2016). An examination of educators' attitudes toward inclusion. .
Johnson, S. A. & Cuevas, J. A. (2016). The effects of inquiry project-based learning on student reading motivation and perceptions of inquiry learning processes. .
Cochrane, S. H. & Cuevas, J. A. (2015). Teacher perceptions of the Common Core
Performance Standards. .