Elizabeth Marekia-Cleaveland, J.D.

Senior Lecturer
Office locationArt & Technology Building, 2118,
Area(s) of Expertise: Environmental studies, environmental law and policy, environmental ethics, gender and environment, protected areas and wildlife management, environmental justice
Courses Taught
- ENST 2030: Environmental Studies & Sustainability
- ENST 4035: Environmental Law, Policy & Politics
- ENST 4050: Environmental Ethics
- J.D., Law, University of Florida - Levin College of Law
- M.E.S., Environmental Studies, York University
- LL.B., Law, University of London
- B.S., Environment/Biology, St. Lawrence University
Research/Special Interests
- Environmental law and policy
- Environmental justice
- Protected areas and wildlife management
- Gender and resource management
- “Women and Democratization in Kenya,” in Democracy and Culture in Africa, Adonis and Abbey Publishers, London 2008, p.147.
- “Managing Bio-diversity in Kenya,” in Managing Biodiversity: National Systems of Conservation and Innovation in Africa. ACTS Press. Nairobi, Kenya 1998, p. 91.
- "Managing Wildlife in Kenya," in Gaining Ground: Institutional Innovations in Land-use Management in Kenya. Nairobi, ACTS Press, 1990, p. 155.
Work Experience
- Lecturer, Institute for Environmental and Spatial Analysis, University of North Georgia, 2014-present
- International Public Service Professional, University of Georgia
- Lecturer, Kenyatta University
- Visiting scholar, University of Florida
- The Government of Kenya: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
- Adjunct, St. Lawrence University Study Abroad Program, Kenya
- Consultant: UNDP, World Bank, Waste (the Netherlands), GTZ (German), World Neighbors, African Center for Technology Studies, Femnet, Kenya Energy Non-governmental Organizations, Undugu Society
Personal Information
Dr. Marekia-Cleaveland's favorite thing about the north Georgia region is visiting the mountains.