
5.5.2 Post-Tenure Review Structure

Each candidate's post-tenure portfolio will be reviewed by two faculty committees, one at the departmental (DPTRC) level and the other at the college (CPTRC) level. Additionally, the department chair / coordinator will review each portfolio. Final decisions will be made by the dean of each college based on review of these recommendations. The portfolio will be reviewed in the following order: departmental PTR, department head/coordinator, college PTRC, and dean. The PTR letter written at each level will be added to the candidate's portfolio for consideration by those completing the review at subsequent levels. Small departments may include a faculty member from a related discipline on the departmental PTR to ensure a reasonable workload.

At the departmental level, candidates will be issued a letter by both the departmental PTRC committee and the department head/coordinator. The letters will provide an overview of the candidate’s accomplishments during the previous five years and describe specific deficiencies, if any. Both the departmental PTR committee and department chair/coordinator will decide whether the candidate under review has met the expectations of the department and university. Any deficiencies identified by the departmental PTR or the department head/coordinator must be clearly described within their PTR letters. Each letter must make a clear recommendation for either a satisfactory or unsatisfactory evaluation.

The college PTR will make a clear determination of satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance based on the information received from the candidate’s file and the previous PTR departmental reviews. Any deficiencies identified by the college PTR must be clearly articulated in their letter. To assist in their decision-making, PTRs can request additional information or clarification, upon approval of the provost, from the department head/coordinator or candidate. Such requests should typically be limited to documents that were incomplete or under review at the time of original submission.

The academic dean shall review the candidate's documentation, the DPTRC, the department head/coordinator, and the college PTRC recommendations and upload a letter with a satisfactory or unsatisfactory recommendation for post-tenure to the electronic portfolio.